Friday, February 11, 2011

Transformers vs Mortal Kombat

It's been a looooooong time since i last posted.  I felt i needed to put something up here, and I still have a list of old dreams I need to record.  So here's another classic dream from my head.

So it begins at night. There is an evil cult setting up some sort of device on top of a high building (from sorcerer's apprentice movie?) . No one knows what it will do exactly, so they send in the earth defence force (I have a game by the same exact name so I'm assuming i got it from there), anyways this team consists of me and characters from Mortal Kombat. So they ask me to scout ahead and so I'm sneaking up the stairs that look like this below: 

But there were many flights of stairs, i just drew like one flight. Anyways, I was sneaking up but then the cult had lookouts posted on the stairs and they saw me. So all these evil cultists start running down the stairs after me. I start running back down and then decide to drop little bombs on the glass floor of each landing. So whenever a cultist gets to that level, the bomb shatters the glass making them fall breaking the glass below and so they keep falling.

I finally get to the ground floor and find that my mortal kombat buddies are all in a fight too fighting more cultists in their evil cult robes. So i go join the fight. Turns out that I can do any mortal kombat move as long as I can think in my head how to do the move on in the videogame on the controllers. So i'm throwing sub-zero ice blasts, scorpion harpoons, raiden lightning bolts, etc etc just having a huge epic battle. But then...when we think we are winning, the device is activated. What the device turns out to be is a device that opens doorways between worlds that has now connected earth with....CYBERTRON! (transformers home world)

Once the portal has been established, Deceptacons start flying through to invade earth. So by this point we're all like oh shit...we're fuuuuuuuucked. But then Earth Defense Command tells us to go activate the defense grid. The controls are at the Hubble space telescope. So Raiden says he'll go do it since he can teleport, and I tell him to take scorpion with him since he can also teleport. They go and they encounter more cultists, eventually they get to the controls and activate the defense grid. Scorpion dies but without him they would have failed. Good work Scorpion.

So once the defense grid is online, laser guns start popping out of random places. Other buildings, at the top of hills, the effel tower, and other random places around the world. These laser start shooting at the deceptacons, but they keep pouring out. So there's no choice BUT to join the fight. The robots are obviously way bigger than I am so I gotta cut there limbs and slash their faces and such.

Suddenly another portal opens up to the west or east, not really sure and we're like "oh come on!!!" but then we get a morse code transmission of S.O.S. Suddenly i know that it's not bad guys about to come through and I try to radio back to HQ to tell them, BUT suddenly i realize I am a ghost (probably because i watched the movie Ghost not too long ago) so I can't touch the radio on my body. So I fly back into my body which is lying on the ground and radio back just in time, so the laser guns are taken offline and out of the portal fly AUTOBOTS.

Optimus prime and his gang fly out. I recognized Optimus prime, sideswipe, ironhide, bumblebee, ratchet, Jetfire, silverbolt, air raid, and then random other generic autobots.

My dream ended with optimus flying at megatron and he yells "ONE WILL STAND!" and megatron yells back "AND ONE WILL FALL!" and then bam they hit each other at the same time. That is when I woke up.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Transformers are murderers...

Last night I had to spend the night at a hotel, unfortunately not due to having a steamy secret rendevouz with anyone.  It was due to repairs happening in my condo and i was told to go book a hotel for the next few days.

So my hotel dream began...

I was with my good friend Sam Witwicky (from the transformers movies), and we were walking around downtown.  Suddenly we witness the kidnapping of 4 people by the evil deceptacons.  Turns out they kidnapped the Russian ambassador and his wife (their last names were Zurlinko or something) and 2 regular people that were my neighbors? Somehow i just new it. 

We followed the deceptacons to this empty car dealership where they took their hostages. (not very smart seeing as how the front is all windows).  We tried to do some recon by walking past all nonchalant, but they recognized Sam instantly and sent out guys to grab him.  He took off trying to get away when this motorcycle deceptacon was catching up to him.  the bike robot saw me and instead grabbed me.  I pretended i was some random civilian and I was also evil on the inside.  I was telling him all the evil things i've done and he finally left me go.  He told me I should come join them since the autobots have their human allies, the deceptacons should have their own.

Once he drove away, i met back up with Sam in a back alley.  He said he was going to go and inform the Russian Embassy.  My plan on the other hand was to quickly go inform Optimus and Ironhide as to what was happening.  So we split off on our seperate missions.

I found optimus and ironhide parked on a corner and quickly jumped in Ironhide.  I told them both the whole story and we were planning on how to rescue them.  Then on the news we find out that the russian ambassador's wife was killed due to her being uncooperative.  Things were getting more intense.

And then I woke up because there was a silver of sunlight streaming in through the curtains and getting me right in the eye.

Counter Strike is series business....

So the dream starts off with me being in a real life CS team ( But it is in this tournament 5v5. Only this is not a videogame, this is real life.  You can get shot, hurt, and DIE. If you do die, your team continues on with one less man (or more depending how many get killed). It takes place in a giant arena sorta gladitor style, but the arena is setup like map from the game. This one looked like a mix of dust 2 and aztec.

So my team starts out and we win the first two matches. The third match we lose a guy. Much sadness. fourth match we win by camping and setting up ambushes, we still lose another dude. Now our team is down to 3 including me.

Finally it is time to face the defending champions....or champion as it turns out. Dolph Lundgren. Our guns do nothing, he is like some crazy walking tank...or universal soldier one might say. he is a mean SOB. He kills one of my teammates just as the half time buzzer goes off. (Halftime? wtf...i know...ridiculous). So it's just me and my last teammate in the locker room trying to figure out a strategy. He's flipping out because he doesn't want to die.

Suddenly it's thailand and people are placing bets. I find in my hand 4 uncut thai baht bills for 100 each. They have the dotted line between each bill so I am trying to rip them apart without ripping the bills. And i go to place my bet on this one Goku lookalike asian because he's f'ing throwing around kamehameha's during the warm up. They are about to each take a chance at beating Dolph Lundgren.

I woke up before i got to see any fighting action going on.  Sadness.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Apple A Day Keeps the Evil Dictator Away

So I was some monk like dude in this Kingdom. I lived in a walled off city without a name ruled by an evil dictator king like dude.

So I assume I'm some monk like guy because I'm wearing one of those brown robes and I have a big walking stick. Maybe I was a poor wizard? I don't know, but I was out in the field with my friend (no idea who he is) when we see soldiers ride escorting a carriage with a prisoner. I get a glimpse and it's a uber hottie. I feel bad and wonder why she's being taken away.

So I pretend to be delivering food to the prison and get inside. All I have are apples. I don't know where I got this sack of apples but that's what I got. So I go in there and find her. She's really the princess of the kingdom who has been in hiding since the evil dictator king dude took over. He finally found her and plans to force her to be his 8th queen (he has 7 wives so far and I guess he can since he's the king?). She asks me to help her escape to her Uncle in Valdara who can protect her. And damn me for being a sucker for damsels in distress...grr.

So anyways, I beat the guards using my sack of apples and steal the keys. I open the cell door and sneak her out of the prison into the gardens. We're running to the back entrance (heh...rear door...)

But that is when the alarms start going off. I tell her to run to the western bridge and hide underneath. And I give her the apples to eat. I tell her I will meet her there at 3pm but now I have to go back and made sure I'm not found missing or they will know right away. So I head back and act like nothing happened and I was in the orchard the whole time. But then they realize I have no apples with me and drag me off to prison. The guard later ID me as the one who beat them up with apples and I'm scheduled to be executed. Once the time of my execution arrives, I'm dragged out into the open where I will be stabbed to death with a sword...weee...

I defiantly curse the evil king and say how one day he will face justice. And then I'm stabbed. As I lay there bleeding, I hear trumpets. And then I see banners charging and it's the princess' uncle's army coming to retake the land. She made it home without my help. Huzzah! I think I died with a smile.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Neil Diamond is awesome

I had a dream where I won a raffle to meet Neil Diamond. So it was me and 2 other guys and we went on stage to meet him, but what they didn't tell us was that we would be on stage meeting him during one of his concerts. So he's playing and singing Sweet Caroline, and we're given mics to be his backup. So we're all like "wtf is going on?!?1" but then the entire stadium gets into the song and Neil is doing a big mashup of his songs. All is swell and we get pictures with him and autographs. He then uses us as a distraction to flee the stage and we're told we have to catch him and bring him back.

So we go chasing after him and i corner him in this one dressing room. He tells me how they are forcing him to sing and not letting him go home to see his family. So I agree to help him. We try and escape the building but they send in a "swat" like police team to find him. We go into this other super fancy dressing room and hide in the bathroom. We know they're going to check every room so we hide up in the ceiling. The ceiling is open and all wooden beams and such, so we're up there looking down on them searching the bathroom. They then decide to pee and take their sweet ass time. It was one of those "mission impossible" scenes where sweat is about to drip off my face and hit one of the dudes below. I catch it just in time. I woke up before i could find out if we escape or not....and I had to pee really bad.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Haha i had to write down some notes of my epic dream just to make sure i could share it.

So the dream started as I had just moved to a new city. All was well and I was out trying to mingle with the crowd. When suddenly I am approached by this sketchy looking mexican dude who’s all like “we don’t want your kind here essay!” and trying to push me around. So I punched him but it was super slo-mode because in my dreams I can never punch people very quickly.

Anyways, then these other guys come out of the crowd and tell me I should follow them before the rest of the putas show up and want revenge. So I go with these guys and it ends up that I had moved to a city in the middle of a gang war. The guys who helped me out were the “Chrome Hounds” (there’s a shitty xbox game with that name i own lol) and the mexicans were the “Los Gatos de la muerte” which is like cats of death or something lol. go go shitty spanish that I forgot all of!

So anyways, they say that I’m here just in time for the final show down and they could really use my help. it’s going to be a 5v5 street race to determine who gets to stay in the city and who has to leave. They lost 1 of their racers in that earthquake in china, so they didn’t have a replacement.

So I agree to help them telling them that my racing experience has only been in videogames. They don’t understand the concept of videogames (i was in some parallel universe where videogames don’t exist?). So before the race starts, I am told that there will be a twist that happens during the race that no one knows what it is exactly. So I get in my car which is a the previous guys car, a very riced up red honda civic. Damn fobs even invade my dreams!!! I took down as much of the fobby interior (hello kitty shit, stuffed animals in the rear window, and gay seat cushion things). So the race begins, I’m driving pretty well, sucking at some of the sharp turns (just like i suck at them in videogames, I usually just power slide into the turn and bounce off the walls). We get a msg that the twist is about to happen and the twist is….





We get 5 points per zombie we run over. So not only is the winning team dependant on what place each team member places, but a combined total of points from zombie squishing!!

I get to a roundabout and do two laps just to drift into more zombies. This makes me fall back and bit but I rack up a killer combo score. The race continues and I get to the front of the pack. But just as I’m coming up to the finish line, I see a big pack of zombies and do a donut just to get them all before crossing. My teammates generally sucked in the race but thanks to my zombie score we win. I’m a hero!!

I woke up and true story, I did a fist pump in the air because I felt that awesome. And then i wrote down notes in my iphone haha.

First blog entry!!

So after a few people have told me I should start a blog (not to use as a place to express myself), but more so that they have yet another webpage to entertain themselves for probably a whole 1-2 minutes while at work.

I can't really say I have anything important to say, but I do have some awesome dreams here and there.  I try my best to keep my phone near me so that if i wake up during the night from a particularly awesome drea, I can quickly type in key notes so that I do not forget. I would usually email these dreams to a couple friends of mine who already know I'm a geek and crazy which usually combines into Michael Bay directed dreams full of explosions.

Just to get my blog off to a good start, I will go back through my email archives and find some of my past dreams.
