Last night I had to spend the night at a hotel, unfortunately not due to having a steamy secret rendevouz with anyone. It was due to repairs happening in my condo and i was told to go book a hotel for the next few days.
So my hotel dream began...
I was with my good friend Sam Witwicky (from the transformers movies), and we were walking around downtown. Suddenly we witness the kidnapping of 4 people by the evil deceptacons. Turns out they kidnapped the Russian ambassador and his wife (their last names were Zurlinko or something) and 2 regular people that were my neighbors? Somehow i just new it.
We followed the deceptacons to this empty car dealership where they took their hostages. (not very smart seeing as how the front is all windows). We tried to do some recon by walking past all nonchalant, but they recognized Sam instantly and sent out guys to grab him. He took off trying to get away when this motorcycle deceptacon was catching up to him. the bike robot saw me and instead grabbed me. I pretended i was some random civilian and I was also evil on the inside. I was telling him all the evil things i've done and he finally left me go. He told me I should come join them since the autobots have their human allies, the deceptacons should have their own.
Once he drove away, i met back up with Sam in a back alley. He said he was going to go and inform the Russian Embassy. My plan on the other hand was to quickly go inform Optimus and Ironhide as to what was happening. So we split off on our seperate missions.
I found optimus and ironhide parked on a corner and quickly jumped in Ironhide. I told them both the whole story and we were planning on how to rescue them. Then on the news we find out that the russian ambassador's wife was killed due to her being uncooperative. Things were getting more intense.
And then I woke up because there was a silver of sunlight streaming in through the curtains and getting me right in the eye.
i'd like to know what kind of evil things you told the deceptacon :P