Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Neil Diamond is awesome

I had a dream where I won a raffle to meet Neil Diamond. So it was me and 2 other guys and we went on stage to meet him, but what they didn't tell us was that we would be on stage meeting him during one of his concerts. So he's playing and singing Sweet Caroline, and we're given mics to be his backup. So we're all like "wtf is going on?!?1" but then the entire stadium gets into the song and Neil is doing a big mashup of his songs. All is swell and we get pictures with him and autographs. He then uses us as a distraction to flee the stage and we're told we have to catch him and bring him back.

So we go chasing after him and i corner him in this one dressing room. He tells me how they are forcing him to sing and not letting him go home to see his family. So I agree to help him. We try and escape the building but they send in a "swat" like police team to find him. We go into this other super fancy dressing room and hide in the bathroom. We know they're going to check every room so we hide up in the ceiling. The ceiling is open and all wooden beams and such, so we're up there looking down on them searching the bathroom. They then decide to pee and take their sweet ass time. It was one of those "mission impossible" scenes where sweat is about to drip off my face and hit one of the dudes below. I catch it just in time. I woke up before i could find out if we escape or not....and I had to pee really bad.

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